Farewell, My Friend...
dear Sunn,
it's been 3 days since you left the company... i wouldn't say that i am missing you already (cos that would sound too fake and too mushy)... however, there's a tinge of sadness now... not that there wasn't any on your last day... considering that was my first day back in the office after 2 weeks of medical leave... my mind was preoccupied with many other things and couldn't really get into the farewell mood...
i could still remember the first day i joined this office and was very surprised to see you here... at that time, i could remember you by face, not by name... it had been 9 years since our first year in NTU... and we've not changed much... probably i've put on some weight...
i always enjoyed the time we spent discussing about work, about the people, about many things... and the fact that you're just seated in front of me helped...
our Thailand audit was also a memorable one... the friendly Thai colleagues who simply couldn't pronounce certain English words that at times made us laugh... the delicious Thai food (tom yam koong, etc)... and the endless shopping... it was a pleasure that your hubby was there too... i believe the most memorable had to be the night trip to Khao San... the Director who drove us there nearly drove us crazy... his driving skills in heavy-traffic Bangkok were inadequate... but i enjoyed the trip, especially the part where we were at the riverside, looking at the palace on the other side of the river...
not too long after that, it was the HK business trip... two weeks of "hell": the much faster paced working culture, the colleagues, the chilly, wet and gloomy weather... we survived all that eventually... i could still remember you guys waking me up to see you guys off at the hotel... i was so tired after a night of partying but being the kind soul that i am, i obliged... hahahaha...
hope you would cherish these memories and whenever you think about them, they would bring a smile to your face...
as promised, this blog entry is specially dedicated to you... nothing fanciful... something to remember you by...
stay in touch, no matter where you are... our paths will cross some day... it did after 9 years... or we'll have to make them cross by arranging to meet up for lunch... it's a small world after all, and an even smaller Singapore...
take care...
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