14 March 2006

Crash - My Comments...

finally saw the movie, Crash, last night... wanted to see for myself how Crash deserved the Best Picture at the recent Academy Awards...

the movie was good...
interesting and realistic story...
great (and huge) cast...
good editing... multiple stories into one...
nice twists at the end...

and most importantly, morally correct (as opposed to the controversial, gay and "immoral" Brokeback Mountain)... challenges the audience to look at differences from different angles... not only differences in race, but also in gender, social status, authorities, and even between siblings... one man's meat is another man's poison...

4 out of 5

i was glad that Brokeback Mountain didn't win Best Picture... however, i also didn't think Crash should win... if not for the fact that the voters were generally from Los Angeles where Crash was filmed, my heart went out to Capote...

btw, of the five Best Picture nominees, i've only watched Brokeback Mountain, Crash and Capote... missed Munich while Good Night, Good Luck didn't make it to the local screens...


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