30 September 2006

Heritage Walk Saturday??

the office organised a Heritage Walk on a Saturday morning and i actually attended it... it's a boring 45 minutes walk from the Asian Civilisation Museum (ACM) to Lim Bo Seng Memorial to City Hall and back to ACM... but the experience revealed a couple of interesting facts about us and Singapore...

A (holding mobile phone): they are meeting at the Stamford Raffles statue...
Me: which one? the white one or the black one?
A: got two meh? thought there's only one outside Victoria Theatre?
Me: got two... one at VT; one at ACM...
A (holding mobile phone): it's the white one...
Me: then it's at ACM...

anyone knows why there are two Sir Stamford Raffles statue?? and how come one black, one white??

A: they brisk walking so fast... never even explain the things to us... what Heritage Walk like that?
Me: how many memorials are there around the entire Raffles Place / City Hall area?
A: there's the Lim Bo Seng one...
B: and the tall tall one near to the Raffles City...
Me: the tall one is for World War One or Two leh?
B: huh? got two World Wars meh?

after the walk we spent some time admiring the Salvador Dali sculptures at UOB Plaza... before having our nasi lemak at Golden Shoe...


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