13 February 2007


on this eve of Valentine's Day... just wanted to share something about love... the dilemma of love... and it could apply to a lot more situations, besides those listed below...

hypothetical situation... A & B are lovers...

A: why did you buy the Valentine's Dat gift for me?
B: you like the thing mah...
A: but it's a waste of money... i like doesn't mean you must buy mah...
B: once a year, it's ok lah...
A: but it's a waste of money lor...
B: it's because i love you that i am buying you the gift...
A: it's also because i love you that i don't want you to buy the gift...
B: ... ... ...
A: ... ... ...

A: you have to watch your health...
B: but i like to eat bak kwa leh...
A: bak kwa is not healthy...
B: but i like leh...
A: it's because i love you that i am so concern about your health...
B: if you love me, you should let me eat what i like...
A: ... ... ...
B: ... ... ...


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