6 May 2007

Growing Old...

am watching the Thye Hua Kwan Charity show on Channel 8 as i am typing this...
i know i should be studying but couldn't resist some of the big names performing tonight...
Cai Qin, Peter Ho, Grasshoppers (shit i missed their performance at Bugis Junction yesterday)...

every time i watched such charity shows...
at the back of my mind, i'm wondering if i would end up like the patients in the shows...
old... sick... without a loved one to look after me...
what would i be doing when i turn 50 or 60??

can still remember vividly that when my AIA agent first got me to sign up for an endowment fund in 1996...
she estimated the maturity of the policy to be at age 65 years old...
told her then that i have no intention to live until that age...
and changed the policy maturity to age 50...

let's do whatever we can to help the less fortunate...
while we still can...
in the meantime, cherish the good health you have...
say your prayer and thank God for everything...


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