22 December 2008

Needs Vs. Wants...

was discussing needs and wants with Siang Leng over emails...
the conversation started while we were discussing about saving up for rainy days...
especially in these uncertain times...
anything can happen and we might lose our jobs tomorrow...
Siang Leng try to save up 50% of his gross income...
while i am contented if i can save up 20% to 25%...
to each his own...

my conclusion is that everything has to be in moderation...
needs can become wants and vice versa...
and everyone has their own standards or limits...
i try to meet my needs as far as possible...
and to satisfy my wants whenever resources permit...


Blogger Leng said...

was saving 40% of my gross income during my PWC days of $2,000 p.m. Somehow i will expect the percentage to increase significantly given my salary increases, but it never happened. Where has all the money gone!

Wednesday, 24 December, 2008  

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