25 January 2006

I Not Stupid Too

watched the special preview at Prince yesterday... Vincent managed to win a pair of free tickets... before the show, there was a guy and a cameraman outside the theatre interviewing the audience about what we were expecting from the movie... both of us shied away from the camera... i knew i was a shy guy after all, despite popular belief (or disbelief)...

i did not watch the prequel, hence, went into the cinema without any expectations... so...

what can i say? Jack Neo did it again... a very very heartland... topics close to our hearts... juvenile delinquency... gangster father... busy parents... comparison to younger & brighter brother...

the message this time is simply: look at the positive aspects of people, and not just focus on the negative... similar to the book, How Full Is Your Bucket?, that i've read last year...

the storyline was simple and predictable... yet one still can't help but to be moved by some of the scenes...

the two male leads from the prequel have grown up...

like what was written in STLife today... Jack is not much of a director, when compared to Eric Khoo, but he's able to produce such wonderfully touching movies time and again... impressive...

the critics disliked it, probably on the technical aspects of the show... but a typical Singaporean like me, enjoyed it through and through...

thanx, Vince... for inviting me to the movie...


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